Friday, 27 January 2012

The Evening Class Project

Last October I spent a week photographing as many people as possible from about 40 Evening Classes at City Lit in Holborn. Myself and the journalist Ros Anderson, (who I did the project with) wanted to pick a broad range of subjects to represent City Lit's vast catalogue. Our final choices included Jazz Singing, British Sign Language, Assertiveness, Math GCSE and Cornish.

The idea came from flicking through a prospectus my boyfriend had brought home and wondering who studies Cornish? Who studies Stand up Comedy? Do the people in the classes have anything in common apart from their chosen subject? I'm not sure I've found the answer to that question but it was fun trying. Thanks to City Lit and Ros, Lauren, Meg and Adam for helping me cajole (beg) people to be photographed.

Monday, 16 January 2012